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January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011


Last night we had the neighbors over for a board game and some hang out time.  There was a chance for some snow.  When we said goodnight at 11, there was not a sign of a flurry. An hour later, we were just settling into bed when Katie came tap, tap, tapping on our door […]

Inner Sunshine

October 28, 2010


Imagine my surprise when I looked in the shower to talk to Keith (who was rinsing off after a day’s work) and all of a sudden I was happy. It was a wave raining over me. I felt the old me. Who I am. Why I am. It was, as I just told a dear […]


October 9, 2010


I just read something that totally clicked with me: “I write to find out what I am thinking.”  That’s what I do with my blog… it’s just a way to find out what I am thinking. And I am thinking  a lot of unconnected thoughts… I feel like I am finding myself.  At the age […]

A Daughter…

October 3, 2010


A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.  ~Author Unknown I found this in my drafts and decided to share it… Tonight, Abby is hanging out with her dad for a little while.  I’m holding my breath waiting on her to get home.  I always do when she is gone.  […]

Un-Profound Rambles

August 27, 2010


Wow. It’s been like three weeks since I posted. I should check and see when the last time really was. It’s been a long time, that’s for sure. Why? We have been busy. You would think with Keith laid off and me a stay at home mom that we would have time on our hands […]

The Girls and Their Other Parents

July 22, 2010


The other day, I was saddened to the point of tears by a thought.  The girls’ other parents don’t know all of them and we don”t know all of the girls. It led me to wonder a few things: When Em goes to her mom’s, does she get to see that same gorgeous glow from […]

Punk Rock Education

July 21, 2010


Us and our punk rock selves will be officially co-educating the “little” girls on Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning August 9th.  We came to an agreement with the girls’ mom that everyone is cool with: She teaches on Monday and Tuesdays, I cover Wednesday and Thursday and Friday is a “loose” day to finish up any […]